Stub for

To explore the concepts of functional testing using python and python testing frameworks, I’m building a project to test, on github. In this post, I’m discussing the stub implementation that I will use to set up the testing frameworks. ...

October 25, 2012 · 2 min · Brian requirements

I’ve decided to write my own Markdown script, possibly for dubious reasons. I’m getting antsy to code. But before I get started on the testing and implementation, I need to: write the requirements write a simple stub implementation write a testing strategy explore test frameworks Then, FINALLY, I can start testing and implementing. I will talk about the term ‘testing and implementing’ in a future post. Let’s take a look at the requirements. ...

October 25, 2012 · 4 min · Brian

Why Markdown

Markdown has very little to do with python testing. But I need a project to test, so I’m writing my own Markdown script. This is a brief introduction to Markdown from my perspective. Writing HTML sucks. Use Markdown. I think it’s reasonably safe to say that HTML is very, very cool. It’s the basis, the foundation, of the web. I think one of the goals for it was that humans could reasonably easily edit it....

October 18, 2012 · 3 min · Brian

Python Testing with pytest, 2nd Edition

2nd edition is now in print and shipping from various booksellers. eBook is available through Pragmatic includes pdf, epub, and mobi (for Kindle) paper editions Amazon Barnes & Noble Waterstones It might be at your local independent bookstore. If not, they could order it for you. Or request it from your library. Why a Second Edition? This section is an excerpt from the Preface, which is available to read as a larger excerpt on the books Pragmatic page....

4 min