I’m going to cover nose setup and teardown fixtures at the package, module, class, method, and function level.
This isn’t about what code to put into the fixtures, just about the syntax and flow.
And a bit about naming conventions.

Although I talked about the fixtures in the nose introduction, I think this post will work better as a reference.

Method vs. function

In the discussion below, I’m distinguishing a difference between method and function.
I’m following a convention from the python documentation:

A method is a function that “belongs to” an object.  

In other words, if a function is NOT in a class, it’s a function.
If it IS in a class, it’s a method.

Package level fixtures

Add ‘setup_package()’ and ‘teardown_package()’ functions to the ‘__init__.py’ of a package.
‘setup_package’ will run before any test modules within the package.
‘teardown_package’ will run after all of the modules are run (if setup succeeded).

def setup_package():

def teardown_package():

Module level fixtures

Module fixtures bracket the execution of everthing in the module (test classes and test functions).
These functions only run once each.

def setup_module():

def teardown_module():

Class level fixtures

Class fixtures bracket the execution of everthing in a class.
These functions only run once each.

class TestClass():

    def setup_class(cls):

    def teardown_class(cls):

Class method level fixtures

Class method fixtures bracket the execution of each and every test method in the class.
These functions run multiple times, once for each test method.

class TestClass():

    def setup(self):

    def teardown(self):

Function level fixtures

Function level fixtures are the oddball of the bunch.
Nose doesn’t do any naming convention detection for this.
It’s all done with the ‘@with_setup’ decorator, which has to be included from ‘nose.tools’.

from nose.tools import with_setup

def setup_function(): 

def teardown_function():

@with_setup(setup_function, teardown_function)
def test_something():

This does allow you to have different fixtures for different tests.

def foo(): 

def bar():

@with_setup(foo, bar)
def test_something_else():

However, please choose names that make sense.
It also allows you to forget to add the decorator, so be careful.

@with_setup(setup_function, teardown_function)
def test_a():

@with_setup(setup_function, teardown_function)
def test_b():

def test_c():  # Does this lack a fixture on purpose? or did someone forget?

Full example


from __future__ import print_function

def setup_package():
    print(__name__, '__init__.py : setup_package() ========================================')

def teardown_package():
    print(__name__, '__init__.py : teardown_package() =====================================')


from __future__ import print_function

def setup_module():
    print(__name__, ': setup_module() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')

def teardown_module():
    print(__name__, ': teardown_module() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')

class TestClass():

    def setup_class(cls):
        print(__name__, ': TestClass.setup_class() ----------')

    def teardown_class(cls):
        print(__name__, ': TestClass.teardown_class() -------')

    def setup(self):
        print(__name__, ': TestClass.setup()  - - - - - - - -')

    def teardown(self):
        print(__name__, ': TestClass.teardown() - - - - - - -')

    def test_method_1(self):
        print(__name__, ': TestClass.test_method_1()')

    def test_method_2(self):
        print(__name__, ': TestClass.test_method_2()')


from __future__ import print_function
from nose.tools import with_setup

def setup_module():
    print(__name__, ': setup_module() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')

def teardown_module():
    print(__name__, ': teardown_module() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')

def setup_function(): 
    "attached with 'with_setup'decorator"
    print(__name__, ': setup_function() - - - - - - - - -')

def teardown_function():
    "attached with 'with_setup'decorator"
    print(__name__, ': teardown_function()  - - - - - - -')

def test_func_1():
    print(__name__, ': test_func_1()')

def test_func_2():
    print(__name__, ': test_func_2()')

@with_setup(setup_function, teardown_function)
def test_func_3():
    print(__name__, ': test_func_3()')

Control flow

I put the files in a testNoseFixtures directory.
Running the tests with -s so I can see the output, produces the following.

> nosetests -s testNosePackage
testNosePackage __init__.py : setup_package() ========================================
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : setup_module() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : TestClass.setup_class() ----------
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : TestClass.setup()  - - - - - - - -
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : TestClass.test_method_1()
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : TestClass.teardown() - - - - - - -
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : TestClass.setup()  - - - - - - - -
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : TestClass.test_method_2()
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : TestClass.teardown() - - - - - - -
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : TestClass.teardown_class() -------
testNosePackage.test_using_classes : teardown_module() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
testNosePackage.test_using_functions : setup_module() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
testNosePackage.test_using_functions : test_func_1()
testNosePackage.test_using_functions : test_func_2()
testNosePackage.test_using_functions : setup_function() - - - - - - - - -
testNosePackage.test_using_functions : test_func_3()
testNosePackage.test_using_functions : teardown_function()  - - - - - - -
testNosePackage.test_using_functions : teardown_module() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
testNosePackage __init__.py : teardown_package() =====================================

Ran 5 tests in 0.001s


Alternative names

Nose is pretty forgiving about naming conventions for fixtures.
I’ll list the alternative names for the different fixtures.
However, I strongly encourage you to use the names listed above.
The names listed above are, my opinion, easiest to read.
The exception to this is setup_function/teardown_function, since those are possibly custom for every test function, use whatever you like.

setup, setUp, or setUpPackage
teardown, tearDown, or tearDownPackage
setup, setUp, or setUpModule
teardown, tearDown, or tearDownModule
setupClass, setUpClass, setupAll, or setUpAll
teardownClass, tearDownClass, teardownAll, or tearDownAll.
setup (class method fixtures)
teardown (class method fixtures)
setup_function / teardown_function
can be named anything, since it’s attached to a function with ‘@with_setup’