The Complete pytest Course

pytest Primary Power (Chapters 1 - 6)

Everything you need to get started with pytest and use it effectively.

Learn about:

  • Test Functions
    • Structure functions effectively
  • Fixtures
    • setup, teardown, and so much more
  • Builtin Fixtures
    • many common testing tasks are pre-built and ready to use
  • Parametrization
    • turn one test into many test cases
  • Markers
    • Builtin markers provided by pytest
    • Custom markers for test selection
    • Combining markers and fixtures to alter pytest behavior

pytest Working with Projects (Chapters 7 - 13)

Applying pytest to software projects.

Learn about:

  • Testing Strategy
  • Configuration files
  • Test Coverage
  • Mocking
  • tox and Continuous Integration
  • Testing Scripts and Applications
  • Debugging Test Failures

pytest Booster Rockets (Chapters 14 - 16)

Learn about:

  • Some great third-party plugins
  • Building your own plugins
  • Advanced Parametrization